Monday, September 8, 2008

Animal Crackers the Cardboard Menace

In the last three months I have made a lot of small purchases. One particular purchase that stands out in my mind as a bad one is when I bought a tub of animal crackers. I bought these when I was at Wal-Mart thinking they would be a good snack if I got hungry and didn’t have time to go to the cafeteria or it was closed. It seems like a sound purchase. So I added it to my shopping cart. I brought it to my room only to realize that animal crackers are terrible. I opened the large quasi-cylindrical tub of animal cracker, feeling extra hungry, and took out a handful. I ate one, then another, then another, only realizing on my second or third handful that I did not actually enjoy eating these “crackers”. They were less like crackers and more like horrible cardboard filled with sand. I was tricked by the fancy marketing of fun animals on the outside dancing, I assumed that eating these crackers would be good enough to make me want to dance; they did not. The distinct failure of the product was due to the fact that I am no longer seven years old and thus do not like eating cardboard (this is also why I dislike rice cakes). There is no true remedy for the company to utilize at this stage. The only possible way they could make me happy would be to make a new, better version of animal crackers, possibly using some flavor or some ingredients not found at a box factory. There target market seems to be the small group of young people who don’t have fully developed taste buds. The price was good, the distribution is great and can be found at any Wal-Mart, but the actual product itself leaves something to be desired and that is why I will forgo buying any more animal “crackers” in the foreseeable future.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Buffalo Mountian Fire Hunting

Fire on the left, and cops ahead, sadly turning back seemed the only viable option

In accordance with avoiding finals studying I'm writting in this blog. Yesterday a fire broke out on Buffalo Mountian, Johnsoncity, TN. My friends and I went out and tried to capture the blaze. We ventured down a road and took a turn onto a private drive whose owner was none too happy with our presence. His property was a blaze and had just called for fire assistance, I barely had time to turn around on that tiny road when the fire truck came racing up the road. I pulled up along a small embankment and let him pass. Hopefully the guys house makes it out okay. Here's some pictures, thanks to Jacob.